

I’ve always stood out – literally (I’m a 6’2” Black Woman) and otherwise (I have a PhD and own my own business). Like most Black Professional Women, I have experienced assignation and perpetuation of perceptions and stereotypes about who I am, who I “should” be, or how I “should” act. I have also had to demonstrate a level of competency within my profession that has not been expected by/for/with my non-Black counterparts. Travel has always been an outlet for me to disconnect from these perceptions and expectations, and has also allowed me to dispel assumptions in other parts of the world about Black Women, in general, and Black Professional Women, in particular, just by being myself.

Travel has also presented opportunities for me to feel empowered on my own accord, as the more I travel (especially internationally), the more I learn about myself, and the more confident I become in managing discomfort, facing adversity, meeting my own needs, reinforcing my own values, and being the best version of myself that I can be.

Like most working Americans, my time off is limited, and it is important for me to maximize the time that I choose to take for myself. Planning and organization have always been strengths of mine, and with limited time off, I have mastered the art of fitting a lot of meaningful experiences into a short amount of time. Regardless of the length of my international trips, being able to embrace and experience other cultures leaves me with a renewed energy, an enhanced resolve (which helps me re-enter the work environment), and feeling (literally and figuratively) grounded.

I’m excited to help other Black Professional Women push through their experiences with others’ perceptions and assumptions of them, maximize their time off, cater to their own needs, and redirect their energy towards exploring and reinforcing their values to be the best versions of themselves that they can be.

I look forward to helping you elevate your international travel experience!